Image by Rickard FalkenangChill RPG

S.A.V.E. Virtual Data Network

This section is still under heavy construction. In the future, you can expect to see stuff from my ten year long CHILL campaign, including fiction, extracts from my novel "The Prometheus Effect", character outlines, optional rules for psi and magic, artwork and scenarios. For now, why don't you check out the CHILL sites in the Role-playing section of my links page, or take a look at some of the other sites in the CHILL Web Seance WebRing at the bottom of the page.

Chill FAQ
Answers to many frequently asked questions about CHILL.

SAVE Files
Files on new creatures, organisations and equipment.

Online Game Logs
Check out the logs of my online CHILL campaign. It's been a rush so far. Take a look!

Here are documents relating to notable characters in the original Skeleton Crew campaign.

Chill News (1987-1989)
Included here are news items I created during the first years of the Skeleton Crew campaign. Some were related to the game, some were red herrings. As you'll see, the world of the Crew could be a very strange place indeed...

The Skeleton Crew Encyclopedia
Courtesy of Malcolm Arnold (AKA Mike Aldridge), here is an alphabetical list of notable people, places and creatures encountered (and frequently blown up) by the Skeleton Crew.

CHILL, SAVE and the Societas Argenti Viae Eternitata are owned by OtherWorld Creations, Inc. The Skeleton Crew, the Prometheus Effect, all characters, situations and events presented on these web pages are copyright to Chris Halliday, 1990,  2004. The materials here may be copied for personal use only. Unauthorised reproduction and distribution of this material is expressly forbidden.

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